Q. Is Extended Day the same as Latch Key? A. Yes! It is the same. Extended Day more accurately reflects the level of programming we do with our kids. Latch Key historically means “Babysitting” while extended day means there are educational activities happening.
Q. What types of programs are offered? A. We offer Power Hour (homework help), Smart girls, Money Matters, Passport to Manhood & K Kids in all of our Extended day programs. Programs also offer other activities on a site to site basis including but not limited to American sign language, Youth mentoring services, field trips & visits from our community partners.
Q. What locations are offered for extended day? A. Extended day is offered at the following elementary school locations: Abate, Cataract, GJ Mann, Hyde Park, Kalfas, Maple Ave, Niagara St, and 79th St
Q. What hours is extended day open? A. We offer two programs: Before School which runs 7:15AM to 8:45AM and After School which runs from dismissal until 6:00PM.
Q. Does Extended Day operate on half days of School? A. Yes! Our program operates on half days of school. Hours are from dismissal to 6:00PM.
Q. Is there Extended Day programming on no school days? A. On days that there is no school there is no extended day care in the schools. However you can send your child to the program at our 17th Street Clubhouse which runs from 7:30am to 6pm. Call the administrative office at (716)282-7181 to sign up.
Q. What happens when Schools cancel afternoon activities? A. We are NOT included in this. If the School cancels afternoon activities our staff still reports and extended day still operates. We just ask that you come and pick up your child as soon as you can as the school is closing early for safety reasons.
Q. What ages is extended day offered for? A. Extended Day is for children in Kindergarten through 6th grade.
Q. What is the price? A. Before School is $45 per month. After School is $80 per month. If you need both programs it is $125 per month. HOWEVER for the 2021-2022 school year we have obtained a grant for the afternoon session. This reduces the after school cost to $40 per month. Students at Hyde Park, Abate, Niagara, Kalfas and Niagara Falls Charter are eligible for additional discounts.
Q. How do I register? A. Membership and program enrollment is completed online through our parent portal. We are very excited about this because once you enroll in the portal and add your children’s information in it will carry over each year. You will only have to update items that have changed such as school grade, teacher, new phone number etc.
FOR PARENTS WHO DO NOT HAVE A PARENT PORTAL ACCOUNT - NEW BOYS & GIRLS CLUB MEMBERS New parents MUST call the admin office at 716-282-7181 to get access to the parent portal. Please DO NOT create an account. We have worked to streamline the enrollment process for you. For this easier process to work we need to invite you into the system.
FOR PARENTS WHO ALREADY HAVE A PARENT PORTAL ACCOUNT To access the portal please go to https://parentportal.nfbgc.org. Use your log in to access your information. If you cannot remember your password you can use the forgot password function on the log in page or call us at 716-282-7181.
Q. How do I pay? A. You can pay online via credit card, or in the office with cash, check, money order or credit card.
Q. I have a pre k student, can they attend extended day? A. Unfortunately as of right now we are unable to serve any child that is in PreK.
17th Street Clubhouse Questions
Q. Where is the 17th Street Clubhouse located? A. The 17th Street Clubhouse is located at 725 17th Street.
Q. When is it open? A. The 17th street clubhouse is open on school days from dismissal from school until 6:00 pm Monday through Friday. You must provide transportation from the school to our clubhouse.
Q. What does it cost? A. The cost of the program at the 17th street clubhouse is $10.00 for registration for the year (if your child is not already a member) After School is $80 per month. HOWEVER for the 2021-2022 school year we have obtained a grant for the afternoon session. This reduces the after school cost to $40 per month. Students at Hyde Park, Abate, Niagara, Kalfas and Niagara Falls Charter are eligible for additional discounts.