Niagara Falls Boys & Girls Club programs are developed around our five core areas which engage young people in activities with adults, peers and family members that enable them to develop self-esteem and to reach their full potential. Recognizing developmental principles, the Core Programs are based on physical, emotional, cultural and social needs and interests of girls and boys. These are: Education and Career Development, Health and Life Skills, the Arts, Character and Leadership Development, and Sports, Fitness and Recreation. Each of our Clubs provided programming under these five core areas.
What sets Clubs apart?
Is for boys and girls. They satisfy the age-old desire of young people to have a "Club" of their own.
Have full-time professional leadership, supplemented by part-time workers and volunteers.
Require no proof of good character. They help and guide boys and girls who may be in danger of acquiring, or who already have acquired, unacceptable habits and attitudes, as well as those of good character.
Make sure that all boys and girls can afford to belong and even the least interested will not be deterred from joining.
Is for boys and girls of all race, religion, and cultures.
Is building-centered. Activities are conducted in the warm, friendly atmosphere of facilities especially designed for youth programs.
Has an open-door policy. Clubs are open to all members at any time during normal hours of operation.
Have a varied and diversified program that recognizes and responds to the collective and individual needs of boys and girls.
Is guidance-orientated. Clubs emphasize values inherent in the relationships between young people, their peers, and adult leaders. They help boys and girls make appropriate and satisfying choices.
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY The philosophy underlying Boys & Girls Club programming is our Youth Development Strategy. This strategy defines how our youth development professionals and volunteers interact with young people. All programs and activities are designed to maximize opportunities for young people to acquire four basic “senses” which help them build self-esteem and grow into responsible and caring citizens. These four “senses” are:
A SENSE OF COMPETENCE - the feeling there is something boys and girls can do as well.
A SENSE OF USEFULNESS - the opportunity to do something of value for other people.
A SENSE OF BELONGING - a setting where young people know the “fit” and are accepted.
A SENSE OF POWER OR INFLUENCE - a chance to be heard and to influence decisions.
The principles of the Youth Development Strategy are used when developing every program and activity. We seek to identify and incorporate ways to enhance programs and activities through the conscious utilization of these youth development principles.
When this strategy is fully implemented, self-esteem is enhanced and the environment is created which helps boys and girls achieve their full potential.